Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Entry #14: Light Blue Creature - still trying to move

The idea was use a Light-painted(ref. to my previous post) character and animate it using Animata, an open source software for creating live animations.

I got as far as transferring my character to an Animata one.. but as soon as I tried to animate it, some terrible things kept happening to my light blue creature.. Spent the whole day yesterday trying to get it to automate its movements.. but haven't managed that yet.
Thus I'm posting stills of how it looks as of now.. hopefully for the next post I'l have my light blue creature moving..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Entry #13: The scary entry

A very short stop motion animation staring a RJ-45 cable.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Entry #12: Spin detection with Wiimote, almost ...

This time I wanted to track the movement of my clubs as I juggled them using the Wii Remote. I thought I could use the data provided by its 3-axis accelerometer to plot the course of the club in space (by integrating velocity from acceleration, and position from velocity).
However the data is not precise enough and after several attempts and hours of tweaking my code I came to the conclusion that using the Wii Remote for this task is just not working.

I thought I would try to detect a full spin of the club instead, as I noticed that I could visually detect a pattern in the graph of DarwiinRemoteOSC when spinning the club (acceleration on the Y axis inversely proportional to the acceleration on Z axis and then free fall).

My gesture recognition algorithm is bad, it doesn't make the difference between a spin and a fast shake and sometimes doesn't recognize a spin at all... But it is only a start !

In the following demo a sound sample is triggered when a spin is detected.

Entry #11: LED Painting experiment

Some stills from my light painting experiment..

And a short animation..

Thanks to Jonathan for helping me and for the animation :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Entry #10: 36 sec on iTunes

Whoa. I've been struggling with code the whole week with Animata to get something done and finally something works! Apple script, this time. Will get back to Animata later.

So I'm controlling now iTunes with apple script. I created a program with the help of online tutorials, that

1. Opens iTunes or if your iTunes is open already, jumps to step 2.

2. Opens playlist named 'bra' and starts to play the first song of the playlist at 00:36 of the track.

3. Plays the song for 36 seconds and jumps to next track.

4. Continues until the end of playlist.

Download source code from my dropbox and put it under /Library/iTunes/Scripts/.

I know, it's nothing much, but for me this was a breakthrough in scripts!

Entry #09: 360 seconds of A O

I wanted to play with sound, because I never do things with sound. I tried SuperCollider but I haven't been able to produce anything interesting yet.
I didn't want to use PureData as I've done project with it already.

I thought of an alternative and recorded this live sound experiment/improvisation using a sequencer (Jackbeat) and very short samples of my own voice. The result is this rather rhythmic piece. I made it 360 seconds (6 minutes) long to fit the theme, but I think it is already enough after 3 minutes.
Anyway, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Entry #08: How to make a person turn a 360.

As Person(A) approaches, fly a Kite(B)It shakes the pollen off the flowers(C)making the person sneeze(D). This moves the candle flame(E) and lights up the rope.The balloon(F) bursts making a loud sound.The bird(G) gets scared and flies off, causing the spring(H) to move up and down making the hand tap on the person's shoulder- And the person turns around.

Inspired by works of Rube Goldberg.